
Difference Casings in Programming

In this blog we will understand the differences between the most widely used case types while writing the variable name or function or method name in computer programming.

  1. Camel Case: In Camel case we start writing from small letter and then after write first character of every word in capital. e.g. javaVariableNaming, namingConvension, camelCaseType

  2. Pascal Case: Pascal case is similar to camel case the only difference is, we write first letter of first word also capital. e.g. VariableName = "Name", BackgroundColorCode = "red", MaximumMarks = 100

  3. Snake Case: In Snake case we write all characters either in lower or upper case and seprate the words with undescore character(_). This is widely use in JavaScript, Node JS, Python e.g. modal_id = "pop-singup", PETROL-MILEAGE-CAR = 20

  4. Kebab Case: Kebab case is similar to Snake case where we write eveything in small or capital case and seprate the word with hyphen(-) e.g. color-code = "#FFFFFF", max-value-allow = 55, DIESEL-MILEAGE-CAR = 20

AEM URL selector to view node structure and properties in JSON format

AEM provides a selector using that, we can easily get or read the node structure of a component or dialog or its authored values from a node in json format. For this we have to simply browse that path of the component and content with selector infinity and extension json. 


A developer wants to see how the newly created component dialog is looking, so simply developer will browse; http://localhost:4502/apps/wknd/components/customcard.infinity.json

AEM infinity json
AEM infinity json

Similary, a developer wants to see the authored field values for a component, they simply copy the contnet path of the page and add the selector infinity and extension json. e.g. http://localhost:4502/content/wknd/language-masters/en/jcr:content/root/container/container/customcard1.infinity.json

AEM infinity json
AEM infinity json


Llama2 models

Meta Llama 2 models

Prompt Engineering with Llama 2 GIF
Image source: DeepLearning.AI