
Showing posts with label JDK9. Show all posts
Showing posts with label JDK9. Show all posts

Key Changes in Java 9

On 21st September 2017 Oracle released new version of Java/JDK version 9.

in this tutorial we will see what all are the key changes in Java 9 and how it will improve the performance of an application and who this things are going to help a programmer to write good programs.

Java Platform Module System

Introduces a new kind of Java programming component, the module, which is a named, self-describing collection of code and data. This module system have following features:

  1. Introduces the modular JAR file, which is a JAR file with a module-info.class file in its root directory.
  2. Introduces a new optional phase, link time, which is in-between compile time and run time, during which a set of modules can be assembled and optimized into a custom runtime image.
  3. Adds options to the tools javac, and java where you can specify module paths, which locate definitions of modules.
  4. Introduces the JMOD format, which is a packaging format similar to JAR except it can include native code and configuration files.
  5. The JDK itself has been divided into a set of modules. 

For more detail information you can download Java 9 release notes from here.

New Version-String Scheme

Provides a simplified version-string format that helps to clearly distinguish major, minor, security, and patch update releases.

The new version-string format is as follows: 


For more detail see version-string format or browse the link from reference.
