In this blog we will understand the differences between the most widely used case types while writing the variable name or function or method name in computer programming.
- Camel Case: In Camel case we start writing from small letter and then after write first character of every word in capital. e.g. javaVariableNaming, namingConvension, camelCaseType
- Pascal Case: Pascal case is similar to camel case the only difference is, we write first letter of first word also capital. e.g. VariableName = "Name", BackgroundColorCode = "red", MaximumMarks = 100
- Snake Case: In Snake case we write all characters either in lower or upper case and seprate the words with undescore character(_). This is widely use in JavaScript, Node JS, Python e.g. modal_id = "pop-singup", PETROL-MILEAGE-CAR = 20
- Kebab Case: Kebab case is similar to Snake case where we write eveything in small or capital case and seprate the word with hyphen(-) e.g. color-code = "#FFFFFF", max-value-allow = 55, DIESEL-MILEAGE-CAR = 20