
This failure was cached in the local repository and resolution is not reattempted until the update interval of central has elapsed or updates are forced

When we build a maven project, we might encounter a very common Maven cached error, due to that our build is getting failed. This is caused by Maven’s default update policy. With respect to fixing this error, er have to run the "mvn install" command in forcefully update mode.

To bypass this default restriction, you can do the following:
  •     add the -U flag to the maven install command, or
  •    configure your Maven clients’ settings.xml file with the following value <updatePolicy>always</updatePolicy>. Below is the sample settings.xml file.
<settings xmlns=""
 <!-- ====================================================== -->
 <!-- A D O B E   P U B L I C   P R O F I L E                -->
 <!-- ====================================================== -->
             <releaseRepository-Name>Adobe Public Releases</releaseRepository-Name>
                 <name>Adobe Public Repository</name>
                 <name>Adobe Public Repository</name>

View the contrast ratio of a text element with Color Picker in Chrome developer tool

The contrast ratio is a color property of a display system, that defined as the ratio of the luminance of the brightest shade to that of the darkest shade that the system is capable of producing. In the web world example, a text is written on top of any background(background could be either color or an image).

The contrast ratio is very important for accessibility. Some people with low vision do not see areas as very bright or very dark. Everything tends to appear at about the same brightness, which makes it hard to distinguish outlines and edges. The Contrast ratio measures the difference in brightness between the foreground and background of the text. If a text has a low contrast ratio, then these low vision users may literally experience the site as a blank screen, and can not read the text that is written on web page.

Chrome Color Picker

Google Chrome developer tool is very helpful to investigate and fix the contrast ratio on a web page using the color picker option of style. The Color Picker can help you make sure that the text meets recommended contrast ratio levels:

1. Open the developer tool in the Chrome browser. (using option right click on page > inspect or pressing F12 button)
2. Click the Elements tab in developer tool.
3. In the DOM Tree, select the text element that you want to inspect.
4. In the Styles pane, click the color square next to the element's color value.
Color Picker option in Chrome dev tool
Color Picker option in Chrome dev tool

5. Check the Contrast Ratio section of the Color Picker. One checkmark means that the element meets the minimum recommendation. Two checkmarks mean that it meets the enhanced recommendation
Chrome developer tool for accessibility to fix the text and background color
Incomplete contrast ratio

6. Click the Contrast Ratio section to see more information. A line appears in the visual picker at the top of the Color Picker. If the current color meets recommendations, then anything on the same side of the line also meets recommendations. If the current color does not meet recommendations, then anything on the same side also does not meet recommendations.

Accessibility contrast ratio chome developer
Correct contrast ratio 4.5:1

This is how we fix the contrast ratio issue for low vision people and make a web page accessible for all human beings. Hope this helps you to debug the accessibility issue related to the contrast ratio. please feel free to let us know your experience and if you know any other way to debug and fix the contrast ratio on a web page. Thank you!


What is the difference between first and second dose of COVID19 vaccine ?

 There is no difference in the first and second dose, a person has to just ensure while taking the second dose that the manufacturer and vaccine are the same as he/she taken in the first dose.

COVID-19 vaccines approved for use in the U.S. The Pfizer, Moderna, and Johnson & Johnson vaccines are all highly effective in protecting you from the virus that causes COVID-19.

Side effect of Covid19 vaccine

There are few temporary side effects of Covid19 vaccines. Below are the reported reactions to the Covid19 vaccines:

  • Injection site discomfort, such as pain, swelling, redness, or bruising
  • Muscle pain
  • Joint pain
  • Headache
  • Fatigue
  • Chills
  • Fever
  • Lymph node swelling

If you experience any such side effects, please dont take any medicine and contact nearby hospital for prescription.


  1. Is there any difference between 1st and 2nd dose?
  2. COVID-19 Vaccines That Require 2 Shots
  3. COVID-19 Vaccine: What You Need to Know About the Second Dose

National Institute of Foundry and Forge Technology at Ranchi

National Institute of Foundry and Forge Technology at Ranchi was set up in collaboration with UNDP-UNESCO (United Nation Development Program-United Nation Economic Social and Cultural Organisation). Both organizations UNDP and UNESCO are a body of the United Nations.


The government of India established NIFFT at Ranchi in the year 1996 in collaboration with UNDP. 


National Institute of Foundry and Forge Technology was set up in collaboration with UNDP-UNESCO.


NIFFT has currently five departments.

  1. Department of Applied Science and Humanities,
  2. Foundry Technology, 
  3. Forge Technology, 
  4. Manufacturing Engineering and
  5. Materials and Metallurgical Engineering 

Which party raised slogan "Jharkhand Abua daku Diko Senoa"?

  Jharkhand Party raised the slogan "Jharkhand Abua daku Diko Senoa" which means "Jharkhand is ours, the dacoit Diko shall have to quit" during general election 1952. In the 1952 general election, Jharkhand party emerged as the second largest party in the Bihar assembly.

Which party raised slogan "Jharkhand Abua daku Diko Senoa"?

 Jharkhand Party raised the slogan "Jharkhand Abua daku Diko Senoa" which means "Jharkhand is ours, the dacoit Diko shall have to quit" during general election 1952. In the 1952 general election, Jharkhand party emerged as the second largest party in the Bihar assembly.

Resolve code merge conflicts

In this blog post, we are going to learn to resolve the conflicts with merge requests or pull requests in Git codebase. 

Let's assume we have two branches and trying to merging code from develop branch to master branch. 

Git merge conflicts | Atlassian

Source branch: develop

Destination branch: master

Step1: Open Git bash and check out the latest source branch code in local directory. e.g. git checkout develop This Git command will pull the latest code from develop branch in the local repo and this will change the current working branch to develop in Git Bash. 

Step2: Now we need to pull the code of the destination branch into the source branch. Hence in our case, we will run Git command git pull origin master. This command will pull the code from the destination and match it with the source. This will also show you a list of all the files where conflict needs to be resolve to successfully merge. 


Auto-merging src/
CONFLICT (content): Merge conflict in src/
Automatic merge failed; fix conflicts and then commit the result.

Step3: Now open your developer IDE and look for above mentioned file [src/], and see where the conflict is. IDE by default also gives some hint to accept the source changes or destination changes, you may just click on that option and keep and go only with one change. If you think that option is not sufficed your need and you have to manually make some changes in code then go ahead and make the required changes and save the changes.

Step4: Since we have fixed the code changes, now it is time to check-in the code into the source branch. To check-in the code uses the below commands in Git one by one.

git add <file name> or .(dot) if we wants to add all the files.

git commit -m "commit message"

git push origin develop

Step5: Now go to merge request and see, the conflicts will be get resolved. And now we could merge the code.



Bitbucket merge conflict

Setup DynamoDB in local machine and use as SQL

DynamoDB is a NoSQL database provided by Amazon. Those who are working on Dynamo DB always have to connect and work on dynamo DB using the web browser. But now Amazon came with NoSQL workbench that is an application which helps developers to connect with dynamo DB instance hosted on Amazon or local dynamo DB installed in local machine. Let's see how a NoSQL workbenchhelps developer and how a developer can connect and use NoSQL Workbench.


You should have the latest Docker installed in your local machine.

Install and Setup DynamoDB

1. Run the docker.
2. Download the latest DynamoDB Docker image. 
2.1 Open a command prompt and run this command to download the docker image file for dynamo DB.
The command needs to run docker pull amazon/dynamodb-local

Download dynamo DB docker image
Download dynamo DB docker image

2.2 To start the docker run the following command docker run -d 8000:8000 amazon/dynamodb-local
Status of docker image downloading

2.3 Check the status of docker using command >> docker ps

3. Download the NoSQL workbench tool from Amazon site.  

4. Open the NoSQL workbench, go to operation builder and click on "Add connection" to create a new database connection.
NoSQL benchmark for Amazon DynamoDB
NoSQL benchmark for Amazon DynamoDB

5. Now NoSQL benchmark is connected with dynamoDB. You can now run your SQL command and perform transactions.

Hope this helps you! Thank You!