We can access the detail on an AEM bundle outside the Apache Felix console using the bundle symbolic name and JSON extension with system console bundle path. http://localhost:4502/system/console/bundles/<bundle-symbolic-name>.json
e.g. http://localhost:4502/system/console/bundles/com.adobe.aem.graphql.api.json
Above URL will generate and provide all the detail of the bundle in json format, that we could anywhere. Result will be like below json.
{ status: "Bundle information: 628 bundles in total - all 628 bundles active.", s: [ 628, 624, 4, 0, 0 ], data: [ { id: 588, name: "GraphQL - API", fragment: false, stateRaw: 32, state: "Active", version: "0.0.1.CQ650-B0004", symbolicName: "com.adobe.aem.graphql.api", category: "adobe,aem", props: [ { key: "Symbolic Name", value: "com.adobe.aem.graphql.api" }, { key: "Version", value: "0.0.1.CQ650-B0004" }, { key: "Bundle Location", value: "bundle582:com.adobe.aem.graphql.api-0.0.1-CQ650-B0004.jar" }, { key: "Last Modification", value: "Thu Sep 01 15:19:02 IST 2022" }, { key: "Bundle Documentation", value: "https://docs.adobe.com" }, { key: "Vendor", value: "Adobe" }, { key: "Description", value: "The parent project to the Adobe Experience Manager parts" }, { key: "Start Level", value: 20 }, { key: "Exported Packages", value: [ "com.adobe.aem.graphql.api,version=1.0.0" ] }, { key: "Imported Packages", value: [ "org.apache.sling.api.resource,version=2.12.1 from <a href='/system/console/bundles/77'>org.apache.sling.api (77)</a>" ] }, { key: "Importing Bundles", value: [ "<a href='/system/console/bundles/589'>com.adobe.aem.graphql.impl (589)</a>", "<a href='/system/console/bundles/591'>com.adobe.aem.graphql.sites-base (591)</a>" ] }, { key: "Manifest Headers", value: [ "Bnd-LastModified: 1627451068224", "Build-Jdk: 11", "Built-By: maji", "Bundle-Category: adobe, aem", "Bundle-Description: The parent project to the Adobe Experience Manager parts", "Bundle-DocURL: https://docs.adobe.com", "Bundle-ManifestVersion: 2", "Bundle-Name: GraphQL - API", "Bundle-SymbolicName: com.adobe.aem.graphql.api", "Bundle-Vendor: Adobe", "Bundle-Version: 0.0.1.CQ650-B0004", "Created-By: Apache Maven Bundle Plugin", "Export-Package: com.adobe.aem.graphql.api; version="1.0.0"; uses:="org.apache.sling.api.resource"", "Import-Package: org.apache.sling.api.resource; version="[ 2.12, 3)"", "Include-Resource: META-INF/LICENSE=target/maven-shared-archive-resources/META-INF/LICENSE", "Manifest-Version: 1.0", "Private-Package: com.adobe.aem.graphql.api", "Require-Capability: osgi.ee; filter:="(&(osgi.ee=JavaSE)(version=1.8))"", "Tool: Bnd-" ] }, { key: "nfo", value: { } } ] } ] }