
What is money?

Money is to satisfy the human wants, person must consume the different goods and services for that man required the money. However money cannot satisfy a human being directly, but a commodity satisfy human wants directly. To improve the purchasing power in the market the government creates an exchange system which is known as money. Money is the most convenient way through which human being can purchase his desire goods and services. 

Following are the some near money, which is not really money but can be easily converted into CASH money.

  1. Time deposit 
  2. Fixed deposit 
  3. Saving bank 
  4. Bill of exchange 
  5. Treasury bill 
  6. Credit card 
  7. Debit card 
  9. Bonds

Non-Aligned Movement

Policy of non alignment movement

This policy was developed to keep away from the block politics, maintain the friendship with the both the superpowers and the military alliances with none, and evolve the independent foreign policy Jawaharlal Nehru made it clear on September 7th 1946 that we shall make history of our choice. 

India under the leadership of Jawaharlal Nehru, was the first country who adopted the policy of the non alignment, Non-alignment policies are positive or dynamic neutralism in which country act independently and decide its policy on each issue on its merit.

If there is a big war, there is a no particular reason why we should jump into it, we are not going to be join over, if we can help it and we are going to join the side which is our interest when the time comes to make the choice. Jawaharlal Nehru was committed to the western concept of the liberalism and democracy, but he didn't approve the military alliances like the NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organisation) and the SEATO (South East Asia Treaty Organisation). Non alignment was against the statu quo situation in international relations. That means the opposition of communalism, imperialism and nationalism, discrimination, racial discrimination and now of new colonialism. India want a world free from these evils. Non alignment encourages friendly relation among countries. It advocates the sovereign equality of all the states. 

Reason for the non alignment

India did not want to the lose its freedom of the decision-making and because its primary concern was to the economic development. Since Britishers had already ruined the economy of India in last 200 years and they also drain and misuse all the Indian resources.

Non-Aligned movement

India was largely responsible for launching the non aligned Movement in 1961. It was initiated by Indian prime minister Jawaharlal Nehru, Yugoslavia president Josip Broz Tito and Egyptian president Gamal Abdel Nasser Hussein. 25 countries attended the first non alignment movement conference held at Belgrade and preceded by the president Tito. Invitation was sent by the Nehru, Tito and Naseer to those countries. There are five criteria for joining the non-alignment movement.

1. First can treat follow the independent foreign policy based upon the non alignment and the Peaceful coexistence. 

2. Country was opposed to the colonial and the imperialism.

3. It should not have had member of the cold war related military block. 

4. It should not have had a bilateral treaty with the any of the superpower and 

5. Non alignment movement states should not have allowed any foreign military base on its territory.

These are the five criteria of non alignment movement and obligatory to follow for those nations who are going to be join the non aligned movement, it has grown both the quantitatively and the qualitatively, non aligned movement have the 113 member countries till the year 1996.

Phases of Non-alignment movement

1. First Phase (1946-1954)
2. Second Phase (1954-1962)
3. Third Phase (1962-1971)
4. Forth Phase (1971-1990)
5. Fifth Phase (Post Cold War Period)