- We cant to able to open a bank account.
- We can't enroll for PAN,
- We can't buy a SIM card. and many more
Issues with Aadhaar enrollment centers
Different ways of writting loops in Python
Lets see we have a list of inetgers name x.
x = [3,3,3,4,4,4,3,3,5,5,6,6,7,8,9,9,9]
Now iterate over this list using differnet loops.
- For loop
#To read all the elements from list
for elem in x:print(elem)
#To read element from specific index using range(startindex, stopindex)
for i in range(2, len(x)):
- While loop
while i < len(x):print(x[i])i+=1
Prefix sling is not bound | AEM Dialog
[ERROR] ValidationViolation: Could not parse FileVault Document View XML: The prefix "sling" for attribute "sling:resourceSuperType" associated with an element type "jcr:root" is not bound. @ jcr_root\apps\wknd\components\banner\.content.xml, line 6, column 42, validator: jackrabbit-docviewparser, JCR node path: /apps/wknd/components/banner, Throwable: The prefix "sling" for attribute "sling:resourceSuperType" associated with an element type "jcr:root" is not bound.
Sling is not added in the xml name space. In jcr:root element add the follwing xmlns.