
datatables_table_0 - requested unknown parameter

While working with DataTable we may encounter some issues, and because of that on the load of DataTable we are seeing an alert that says "datatables warning: table id=datatables_table_0 - requested unknown parameter '<columnName>' for row 0, column 3". For me, this alert was showing because all the JSON objects which we were providing to create the table don't have consistent properties. In few objects column3 was present but in few column3 property is not present. To identify the issue with the column you may verify the column number mentioned in the alert and the same column number that we mentioned in the aoColumns(as showing in the below code snippet).

aoColumns: [
{ mData: 'column1' },
{ mData: 'column2' },
{ mData: 'column3' }]

After adding the column3 property in all objects data table start working perfectly.

Hope this helps you to investigate the data table issue.

Difference between the Process Thumbnails and Create Thumbnail workflow steps in AEM

Create thumbnail and process thumbnail workflow steps in AEM
Workflow steps
The Create Thumbnail step only creates thumbnail renditions for an asset, while the Process Thumbnails step can also create a folder thumbnail and web-enabled renditions also. 

Path or directory where Dispatcher cached files?

Question: Under which directory or path AEM dispatcher server cached the data or files?

Answer: Dispatcher server cached the files under path /var/www/html/. Here you will find the /apps, /content, /libs, and /etc(client libraries).

To read and understand more on dispatcher configs and settings, please visit Experience Manager Dispatcher.