
Characteristics of self-actualised person

Self-actualization refers to the need for personal growth that is present throughout a person’s life. Following are the some characteristics which a self-actualized person should have:
  1. They perceive reality efficiently and can tolerate uncertainty;
  2. Accept themselves and others for what they are;
  3. Spontaneous in thought and action;
  4. Problem-centred (not self-centred);
  5. Unusual sense of humour;
  6. Able to look at life objectively;
  7. Highly creative;
  8. Resistant to enculturation, but not purposely unconventional;
  9. Concerned for the welfare of humanity;
  10. Capable of deep appreciation of basic life-experience;
  11. Establish deep satisfying interpersonal relationships with a few people;
  12. Peak experiences;
  13. Need for privacy;
  14. Democratic attitudes;
  15. Strong moral/ethical standards.

Pancasila (Five precepts of Buddhism)

Buddhism invites the lay Buddhists to adopt five precepts voluntarily to follow in order to live together in civilized communities with mutual trust and respect. Following five precepts helps the lay Buddhist to make a spiritual journey towards liberation. These five precepts are purely voluntary ones. A good Buddhist should remind himself to follow the five precepts daily they are as follows; 

  1. I take the training rule to refrain from Killing living creatures
  2. Taking which is not given 
  3. Sexual misconduct 
  4. False speech 
  5. Taking intoxicating drugs and liquor 

The precepts are the basic practice in Buddhism. They are also an indispensable basis for people who wish to cultivate their minds.

Without some basic moral code, the power of meditation can often be applied for some wrong and selfish motive. These five refrains is called as Pancasila.

Many valued logic

Many-valued logic is the complex of studies that originated from the papers of Lukasiewicz and Post in the twenties. The idea underlying these studies is to extend the scope of classical logic by considering a set of truth-values larger than the usual {O, I}. The new set may be finite or infinite and, in most cases, it will bear some order structure, making it a poset, or a lattice, or a chain, with a top element ("complete truth"), and a bottom one ("complete falsity").

Some more conditions are generally assumed:
  1. There is a finite number of connectives, each one of finite arity;
  2. The connectives are truth-functional;
  3. Connectives and truth-values have a "logical meaning";
  4. Fuzziness phenomena are not present at the meta logical level.
While the first condition does not require any particular comment, the second one restricts greatly the possible interpretations of many-valued systems. For example, probabilistic interpretations are ruled out: we may know that the probabilities of the events A and B are both 1/2, without being able to compute, in absence of information about the stochastic dependence of A and B, the probability of (A and B). In a similar fashion, an interpretation of the truth-values in terms of modalities is questionable.
