
Why Michael H. Hart keep Prophet Muhammad on top of most influencial person in history in his book The 100?

MUHAMMAD 570-632 

My choice of Muhammad to lead the list of the world's most influential persons may surprise some readers and may be questioned by others, but he was the only man in history who was supremely successful on both the religious and secular levels.
Of humble origins, Muhammad founded and promulgated one of the world's great religions, and became an immensely effective political leader. Today, thirteen centuries after his death, his influence is still powerful and pervasive.

The majority of the persons in this book had the advantage of being born and raised in centers of civilization, highly cultured or politically pivotal nations. Muhammad, however, was born in the year 570, in the city of Mecca, in southern Arabia, at that time a backward area of the world, far from the centers of trade, art, and learning. Orphaned at age six, he was reared in modest surroundings. Islamic tradition tells us that he was illiterate. His economic position improved when, at age twenty-five, he married a wealthy widow. Nevertheless, as he approached forty, there was little outward indication that he was a remarkable person.

Most Arabs at that time were pagans, who believed in many gods. There were, however, in Mecca, a small number of Jews and Christians; it was from them no doubt that Muhammad first learned of a single, omnipotent God who ruled the entire universe. When he was forty years old, Muhammad became convinced that this one true God (Allah) was speaking to him, and had chosen him to spread the true faith.

For three years, Muhammad preached only to close friends and associates. Then, about 613, he began preaching in public. As he slowly gained converts, the Meccan authorities came to consider him a dangerous nuisance. In 622, fearing for his safety, Muhammad fled to Medina (a city some 200 miles north of Mecca), where he had been offered a position of considerable political power.

This flight, called the Hegira, was the turning point of the Prophet's life. In Mecca, he had had few followers. In Medina, he had many more, and he soon acquired an influence that made him a virtual dictator. During the next few years, while Muhammad s following grew rapidly, a series of battles were fought between Medina and Mecca. This was ended in 630 with Muhammad's triumphant return to Mecca as conqueror. The remaining two and one-half years of his life witnessed the rapid conversion of the Arab tribes to the new religion. When Muhammad died, in 632, he was the effective ruler of all of southern Arabia.

The Bedouin tribesmen of Arabia had a reputation as fierce warriors. But their number was small; and plagued by disunity and internecine warfare, they had been no match for the larger armies of the kingdoms in the settled agricultural areas to the north. However, unified by Muhammad for the first time in history, and inspired by their fervent belief in the one true God, these small Arab armies now embarked upon one of the most astonishing series of conquests in human history. To the northeast of Arabia lay the large Neo-Persian Empire of the Sassanids; to the northwest lay the Byzantine, or Eastern Roman Empire, centered in Constantinople. Numerically, the Arabs were no match for their opponents. On the field of battle, though, the inspired Arabs rapidly conquered all of Mesopotamia, Syria, and Palestine. By 642, Egypt had been wrested from the Byzantine Empire, while the Persian armies had been crushed at the key battles of Qadisiya in 637, and Nehavend in 642.

But even these enormous conquests-which were made under the leadership of Muhammad's close friends and immediate successors, Abu Bakr and 'Umar ibn al-Khattab -did not mark the end of the Arab advance. By 711, the Arab armies had swept completely across North Africa to the Atlantic Ocean There they turned north and, crossing the Strait of Gibraltar, overwhelmed the Visigothic kingdom in Spain.

For a while, it must have seemed that the Moslems would overwhelm all of Christian Europe. However, in 732, at the famous Battle of Tours, a Moslem army, which had advanced into the center of France, was at last defeated by the Franks. Nevertheless, in a scant century of fighting, these Bedouin tribesmen, inspired by the word of the Prophet, had carved out an empire stretching from the borders of India to the Atlantic Ocean-the largest empire that the world had yet seen. And everywhere that the armies conquered, large-scale conversion to the new faith eventually followed.

Now, not all of these conquests proved permanent. The Persians, though they have remained faithful to the religion of the Prophet, have since regained their independence from the Arabs. And in Spain, more than seven centuries of warfare 5 finally resulted in the Christians reconquering the entire peninsula. However, Mesopotamia and Egypt, the two cradles of ancient civilization, have remained Arab, as has the entire coast of North Africa. The new religion, of course, continued to spread, in the intervening centuries, far beyond the borders of the original Moslem conquests. Currently it has tens of millions of adherents in Africa and Central Asia and even more in Pakistan and northern India, and in Indonesia. In Indonesia, the new faith has been a unifying factor. In the Indian subcontinent, however, the conflict between Moslems and Hindus is still a major obstacle to unity.

How, then, is one to assess the overall impact of Muhammad on human history? Like all religions, Islam exerts an enormous influence upon the lives of its followers. It is for this reason that the founders of the world's great religions all figure prominently in this book . Since there are roughly twice as many Christians as Moslems (Muslim) in the world, it may initially seem strange that Muhammad has been ranked higher than Jesus. There are two principal reasons for that decision. First, Muhammad played a far more important role in the development of Islam than Jesus did in the development of Christianity. Although Jesus was responsible for the main ethical and moral precepts of Christianity (insofar as these differed from Judaism), St. Paul was the main developer of Christian theology, its principal proselytizer, and the author of a large portion of the New Testament.

Muhammad, however, was responsible for both the theology of Islam and its main ethical and moral principles. In addition, he played the key role in proselytizing the new faith, and in establishing the religious practices of Islam. Moreover, he is the author of the Moslem holy scriptures, the Koran, a collection of certain of Muhammad's insights that he believed had been directly revealed to him by Allah. Most of these utterances were copied more or less faithfully during Muhammad's lifetime and were collected together in authoritative form not long after his death. The Koran therefore, closely represents Muhammad's ideas and teachings and to a considerable extent his exact words. No such detailed compilation of the teachings of Christ has survived. Since the Koran is at least as important to Moslems as the Bible is to Christians, the influence of Muhammed through the medium of the Koran has been enormous It is probable that the relative influence of Muhammad on Islam has been larger than the combined influence of Jesus Christ and St. Paul on Christianity. On the purely religious level, then, it seems likely that Muhammad has been as influential in human history as Jesus.

Furthermore, Muhammad (unlike Jesus) was a secular as well as a religious leader. In fact, as the driving force behind the Arab conquests, he may well rank as the most influential political leader of all time.

Of many important historical events, one might say that they were inevitable and would have occurred even without the particular political leader who guided them. For example, the South American colonies would probably have won their independence from Spain even if Simon Bolivar had never lived. But this cannot be said of the Arab conquests. Nothing similar had occurred before Muhammad, and there is no reason to believe that the conquests would have been achieved without him. The only comparable conquests in human history are those of the Mongols in the thirteenth century, which were primarily due to the influence of Genghis Khan. These conquests, however, though more extensive than those of the Arabs, did not prove permanent, and today the only areas occupied by the Mongols are those that they held prior to the time of Genghis Khan.

It is far different with the conquests of the Arabs. From Iraq to Morocco, there extends a whole chain of Arab nations united not merely by their faith in Islam, but also by their Arabic language, history, and culture. The centrality of the Koran in the Moslem religion and the fact that it is written in Arabic have probably prevented the Arab language from breaking up into mutually unintelligible dialects, which might otherwise have occurred in the intervening thirteen centuries. Differences and divisions between these Arab states exist, of course, and they are considerable, but the partial disunity should not blind us to the important elements of unity that have continued to exist. For instance, neither Iran nor Indonesia, both oil-producing states and both Islamic in religion, joined in the oil embargo of the winter of 1973-74. It is no coincidence that all of the Arab states, and only the Arab states, participated in the embargo.

We see, then, that the Arab conquests of the seventh century have continued to play an important role in human history, down to the present day. It is this unparalleled combination of secular and religious influence which I feel entitles Muhammad to be considered the most influential single figure in human history.


The 100: A Ranking of the Most Influential Persons in History

  1. Muhammad
  2. Isaac Newton
  3. Jesus Christ
  4. Buddha
  5. Confucius 
  6. St. Paul 
  7. Tsai Lun 
  8. Johann Gutenberg 
  9. Christopher Columbus 
  10. Albert Einstein 
  11. Louis Pasteur 
  12. Galileo Galilei 
  13. Aristotle 
  14. Euclid 
  15. Moses 
  16. Charles Darwin 
  17. Shih Huang Ti 
  18. Augustus Caesar 
  19. Nicolaus Copernicus 
  20. Antoine Laurent Lavoisier 
  21. Constantine the Great 
  22. James Watt HI 
  23. Michael Faraday 
  24. James Clerk Maxwell ng 
  25. Martin Luther 
  26. George Washington 
  27. Karl Marx 
  28. Orville Wright and Wilbur Wright 
  29. Genghis Khan
  30. Adam Smith 
  31. Edward de Vere (better known as "William Shakespeare") 
  32. John Dalton 
  33. Alexander the Great 
  34. Napoleon Bonaparte 
  35. Thomas Edison lgg 
  36. Antony van Leeuwenhoek 
  37. William T. G. Morton 
  38. Guglielmo Marconi 
  39. Adolf Hitler 2 05 
  40. Plato 
  41. Oliver Cromwell 
  42. Alexander Graham Bell 
  43. Alexander Fleming 
  44. John Locke 
  45. Ludwig van Beethoven 
  46. Werner Heisenberg 
  47. Louis Daguerre 
  48. Simon Bolivar 
  49. Rene Descartes 
  50. Michelangelo 
  51. Pope Urban II 
  52. 'Umar ibn al-Khattab 
  53. Asoka 
  54. St. Augustine 
  55. William Harvey 
  56. Ernest Rutherford 
  57. John Calvin 
  58. Gregor Mendel 
  59. Max Planck 
  60. Joseph Lister 
  61. Nikolaus August Otto 
  62. Francisco Pizarro 
  63. Hernando Cortes 
  64. Thomas Jefferson 
  65. Queen Isabella I 
  66. Joseph Stalin 
  67. Julius Caesar 
  68. William the Conqueror 
  69. Sigmund Freud 
  70. Edward Jenner 
  71. William Conrad Rontgen 
  72. Johann Sebastian Bach 
  73. LaoTzu 
  74. Voltaire 
  75. Johannes Kepler 
  76. Enrico Fermi 
  77. Leonhard Euler 
  78. Jean-Jacques Rousseau 
  79. Niccolo Machiavelli 
  80. Thomas Malthus 
  81. John F. Kennedy 
  82. Gregory Pincus 
  83. Mani 
  84. Lenin 
  85. Sui Wen Ti 
  86. Vasco da Gama 
  87. Cyrus the Great 
  88. Peter the Great 
  89. Mao Zedong 
  90. Francis Bacon 
  91. Henry Ford 
  92. Mencius 
  93. Zoroaster 
  94. Queen Elizabeth I 
  95. Mikhail Gorbachev 
  96. Menes 
  97. Charlemagne 
  98. Homer 
  99. Justinian I 
  100. Mahavira
this list has been prepared and written by Michael H. Hart 

AJAX call with GET method and request data

In his article, we are going to look at how to call an endpoint and read the JSON response using AJAX call. Also, we will see how we append and pass URL parameters to that endpoint URL. Below is the code snippet.

var data is a type of object, that holds all the URL parameters that get appended with endpoint URL when AJAX calls the endpoint.

	function myFunction() {
    var amount = document.getElementById("tuition-amount").value;

    var startDate = document.getElementById("start-date").value;
    var endDate = document.getElementById("end-date").value;

    var data = { startDate:"01/25/2022",

  	    type: "GET", 
            url: "https://rashidjorvee/services/latefine.cfm", 
            data: data,
            success: function(response) {
                document.getElementById("late-fine-amount").innerHTML = response.amount;
            dataType: "json"