
Who was the first to recognize United states of America?

Reorganization of the United States by the Kingdom of Morocco.

On 20th December 1777, Kingdom of Morocco under the rule of Mohammed ben Abdallah (King Mohammed III) was the first nation that officially recognize the independence of the United States. [1] [2] [3] [4]

Reorganization of United States by the State of Mysore.

Tipu Sultan, the Sultan of Mysore was supporting people of America against Britishers during the American war of Independence. Tipu Sultan was also the first ruler from India who was against British colonialism in the name of their trade.[6] 

Reorganization of the United States by the State of France.

On February 6, 1778, France recognize United States as an independent state. Statue of Liberty is a gift of Independence from France to America. [6] [7]


1. Relation of Morocco with United States of America
3. Why Morocco matters to the USA?
4. Morocco is the first country to recognize the USA

A journey in a Bus in New Delhi.

On 8th December 2017 on Friday I was returning to home from office. I boarded in a Bus which is almost full, there is no room for more passengers, which we call in Hindi “khacha khach bhara hai”. Somehow I boarded into it and take stand at gate only, since we can’t move inside because there is no space in bus. It seems every person is stitching with each other. Then I put my hand inside my pocket and bring a 100 Rupees note and ask conductor to issue a ticket for me. He gave me ticket and my remaining money.
People are struggling to even keep their self-standing with comfort, and due to high suffocation inside the bus people are also struggling to breath, since bus was air condition and there is no window for fresh air from outside.  And bus driver only switch on the fans instead of air conditioning. One boy call Mr. Conductor for AC and below is the beginning:

Boy: Garmi bahut ho rahi hai AC chalwa do.

Conductor: Tu khud bhi to bol sakta hai driver se.

Another passengers to Driver: Bhai, AC chala de.

Driver and conductor both ignored the calls and didn’t switch on the AC.

After 5 minutes…

Another person: “Bhai AC chala de” and keep saying for multiple times then driver switched on the AC.

Since humidity and suffocation are continuously increasing, he didn’t feel either Driver switch on the AC or not, then again he aggressively and loudly call for AC. This time conductor became angry on that passenger and start telling him bla bla bla ..
Now everyone is silence no body is taking favor to that person, then I took initiative and told conductor…..

Me: What is your problem? If he had called you to call driver to switch on the AC then you replied him ask by yourself you can also speak. And now if that person is calling driver then you are arguing with him…what you want exactly?

Conductor: Why are you speaking, are you crazy? Have you mad?

Me: No, I am okay and fine, we have paid for the service and we are just asking what our service is nothing extra.

Conductor: Can you see how much load this bus have?

Me: Yes I can see, and every busses are in the same situation, still they keep AC on while running.

Conductor: Most of the people didn’t take ticket.

Me: Go and ask them to take the ticket. This is not my duty who has taken or not. Shall you want me to go and collect ticket from all passengers?

Sound from crowd: Leave it man, let it go…don’t worry.

Me: I make myself calm and stop talking, and told nearby people; if you don’t speak then how you will get you rights. And even if someone speaking for you are not supporting him/her.

If this situation will remain in our society then soon we are going to become slave, and there is no doubt in this. 

Please speak up we really need your voice!!!

Falsafa-e-Khudi | اقبال کا فلسفہ خودی

اقبال کا فلسفہ خودی

ہر انسان کی زندگی میں ایک دور ایسا ضرور آتا ہے جب اس کے دل میں ایک قسم کی غیر شعوری خلش پیدا ہوجاتی ہے ایک خلا پیدا ہو جاتی ہے- بہت سے سوالات پیدا ہو جاتے ہیں اور تسلی بخش  جواب نہ پا کر کبھی خاموش ہو جاتے ہیں، کبھی زندگی کو تار تار کر جھنجوڑ ڈالتے ہیں- -ان سوالات کی شدّت کسی کے یہاں کم ہوتی ہے کسی کے یہاں زیادہ - کوئی انسان اس سے آسانی سے نجات پا لیتا ہیں ور کوئی زندگی بھر ان سے دامن نہی چھوڑا سکتا-
میری زندگی مے بھی ایک ایسا دور آیا- بیسیوں سوالات دل مے پیدا ہو گئے- اس کائنات کا بنانے والا کون ہے؟ کائنات کیوں بنائی گئی؟ یہ حقیقت ہے یا محض نظر کا دھوکا؟ کائنات مے انسان کی کیا حشیت ہیں؟ انسان اپنے اعمال مے مختا رہے یا مجبور؟ اگر انسان نائب خدا ہے تو اسے گمراہ کرنے کے لئے شیطان کو پیدا کیوں کیا گیا ؟ جنّت ور دوزخ کیا ہے؟ نیکی ور بدی کے کیا معنی ہے؟ بعد ازمرگ کوئی زندگی ہوگی یا نہی ہوگی؟ اگر ہوگی تو اس کی نوعیت کیا ہوگی؟ خالق اور مخلوق کا کیا تعلّق ہے؟ وغیرہ - وغیرہ 

لیکن ایک چیز تو یقینی واقعی ہے جس مے شک قطعی نا ممکن ہے - اور وہ خود میرا شک کرنا، سوچنا اور فکر کرنا ہے- یہ تو ایک متضاد بات ہوگی کے جو چیز سوچی جا رہی ہے وہ سوچنے کی حالت مے موجود ہی نا ہو- سوچنے نا شک کرنے کے لئے ایک سوچنے والی، شک کرنے والی ذات ک اھونا ضروری ہے- شک کرنے کے معنی سوچنے اور سوچنے کے معنی ہونے کے ہیں- میں سوچتا ہوں اس لئے میں ہوں- میرے اس سوچنے سے یا شابت ہوتا ہے کے اور کچھ موجود ہو یا نا ہو میری خودی، میری ذات کا وجود تو قطان ہے- 

Philosophy of Iqbal, Allama Iqbal, Muhammad Iqbal, Khudi, Philosophy of Khudi.